PHP 7 Coming with Advanced Features

You are waiting for the release of PHP 7. If so, your long wait for it becoming a reality anytime soon. As a language for web development, Among PHP developers community it has continued to be popular.

Undoubtedly, the server-side scripting language that is the language most in demand today. With more than two decades of history, right in its version 3.0 of PHP has grown in popularity. As time passed, many features of web development is very interesting, which was added to the language.

This practice is speculative in nature, although that is now on the horizon PHP 7, it can be expected to discuss what new features are definitely worth.

PHP 7 Upgraded Features

PHPNG will become the basis for PHP 7

PHPNG stands for 'next generation' of NG. PHPNG, a new branch of PHP using Zend Engine, PHP language and memory to improve performance efficiency. Also, the code in the dynamic native machine code compilation PHP Zend opcodes with 7 victories engine will run faster.

Joint Comparison Operators

It is also called by name the spaceship operator. The 3-way performance than the two operands serves. <=> Operator will return -1 in the values of both sides at the right price is higher, the higher in terms of value on the left will return, will return to 0 in the case are the same.

Scalar Type Declarations

Scalar type declarations as type declarations will make way for the use of integers, strings, floats and booleans. It is to be noted that scalar type declarations are non-restrictive. Then, a float value integer parameter passing bus with no warnings or errors are occurring, it will be forced to int.

A wrong type is passed as an argument, then still enabling strict mode errors can be thrown. To enable strict mode, command file is to be placed at the top.

Return Type Declarations

With the advent of PHP 7, PHP developer tasks and ways to define the type of return may be flexible. The return type declarations would also work in coercion mode and strict mode, same as in the case of Scalar Type Declarations.

Uniform Variable Syntax

PHP 7 variables operators in yet gained wide orthogonality released. Unlike in the rest of versions of PHP, it is possible to have a new operator combination. Arbitrary combination of variables, operators flexibility is allowed.

As mentioned above said, PHP 7 consecutive 64-bit support will offer Anonymous support group, isset ternary operator, abstract syntax tree, null coalesce operator, libraries and so on, the generator return expressions, generator delegation Lots.


No doubt, after the release of Version 7, PHP web development will get a shot in the arm. For developers, PHP delighted to work only see an upward trend.  

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