Important Steps to Use in PHP7 must care by Developer

PHP7 has been released at the end of November 2015 which is fast in terms of performance. PHP developers in the world, so some unproductive habits that affect the performance of the applications they create using PHP.

When we perform the appropriate PHP 7will be held alone, but these things are applicable for all versions of PHP. Developers who are so obsessed with programming, the programming with any of the languages they are used, these points mentioned in this article can be put into practice.

1. Write Clean Code

Not only PHP, but all good programming languages these days to promote the use of clean code. Bring a lot of clean code readability. Enormous scope for improvisation when it is necessary.

Many developers use a letter variable is used, and the download speed of the pages of other brilliant ideas to promote. Most of the code of practice will end this poor readability.

So when creating PHP code, every developer is correctly defined variables, and object-oriented programming should stick to real values. PHP7 or any of its versions, the developers work faster using clean code.

2. Don’t use MySQL functions

PHP always comes with lots of advanced functions, and database that you use to it people should be updated. PHP versions all advanced point with an example is the use of MySQL functions.

PDO MySQLi easy implementation, and support facilities MySQL more. So developers, produces great outputs, they can use the latest PHP versions are MySQL functions.

3. The use of Close Tags

Some developers using PHP files ending close tags. WordPress file to skip most of the bad practice. It is not mandatory in PHP, but novice developers still use it to control whitespace. But the modern version of PHP files as necessary for the conclusion of the highlights on the use of tag never closed.

4. Queries Function in a Loop

Create an array of data, and in turn a function of letting the questions in the loop about two separate queries. In some cases, the performance of queries in a loop of the activity will bring faster results, but it just so tense your device as well, will leave most often heated.

Ie a method get_post_ WordPress meta (), which will help developers to achieve relative value is meta. It acts as a cache system, when developers use this method from the database and stores it in the cache collects values.

When the method is called again, it will not look for the values from the database, but already by using the values stored in the cache system works. This improves the speed of work, and limit load on the CPU, and prevents overheating. You Query Monitor use, you can control the functioning of the queries in a loop.

5. Passing avoid unnecessary references

PHP Shuffle () and sort () methods have been created. When you shuffle back these inbuilt functions to modify the array functions. Thus, using these functions will be lost originality. Amendments are made to the original works, without any special requirements are unacceptable.

In rare cases, rapid passing reference to the work program will help, but it seems like all irrational. PHP issued by the upgraded version are faster than light, and the developers any more in a program to improve the functioning of the reference is not to pass.


PHP web development to promote advanced programming recently went through a lot of modifications is flexible. Many web designers claim nothing new in PHP, PHP 5's release, since 7 November 2015 until the end of the recent launch of PHP is not an end to all claims that forever marked is. 

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